I'm currently working in Huntsville, Alabama as a contract mechanical designer in the aerospace/defense industry. I still have a home South of Muskogee and I manage to get home about every 6 to 8 weeks. I spent almost 8 years working in Oklahoma City and then I became a "contractor" in Jan 08 and have worked in Tulsa, Maryland, Virginia and now Alabama. I love the work I do and the feeling of accomplishment and pride that it gives me to be able to continue to support our country and troops.
It is hard to believe that it has been 40 years since we all parted company and began our seperate journeys. Some paths crossed once or numerous times, and others have crossed from time to time or are about to cross at the upcoming reunion, and others never to cross again.
I grew up on the West side of Muskogee, across the street from Longfellow school, along with my brothers and sisters, Danny, Mary, David and Regina. At one time we had pet ducks. When they got to be more than we could handle, we took them out to Honor Heights and set them free. See enclosed photo. Danny is the one holding "Buttons", his duck and David is petting my duck, "Dusty". Dad still owns the home where I grew up and the location of the enclosed photo, and he has finally decided to move out of it into Kate Frank and let my nephew live in the house until it sells.
There were quite a few of us "kids" that grew up in that neighborhood and on the streets of Boston, Columbus, Garland, Denver, Arline, Carolyn, Pine, S23rd St., Junction, Broadway and too many more to name. It was a great neighborhood to live in and like so many other neighborhoods it too had a Mom n Pop grocery store, across the street from the school on S23rd St.
I know I will forget some names and I apologize now for that but the one's that I do remember are Sarah Campbell, Jane Gulick, Becky Barnette (my very first girlfriend in the first grade), Ronnie Doyle (Ronnie and I tried to out do one another one year in winning Becky's affection by buying her increasingly larger boxes of Valentine's candy), Beverly Warwick, Jim Raney, Mike Johnston, Janet Foster, Leon Mulligan, Nancy Kennedy, Robert Stevenson, Matt Brown, John Reynolds, Nick Fuller, Bill Baker, and many more, who's names slip my memory at the moment. We all went to Longfellow and played and enjoyed each other's company in those early years. During the summer months most of us gathered and played at Rotary Park or on Longfellow's school grounds. Many games of baseball, football and basketball were played during those years. There was a lot of mischief as well.
We had some of the earlier years' classmates that lived in the neighborhood as well. Sisters Dee Ann and Vicki Butler, Ruth Shelton, Asa & his 2 sisters Martha & Sharon Adamson. Spent many days playing in the neighborhood with them. Always enjoyed getting to play softball with the "older" (no pun intended) classmates. Those Butler girls and Ruth really wore me out on one summer's day, chasing me all over the neighborhjood. I won't say why. Vicki could really play a mean game of thether ball as well.
From Longfellow to West Jr High was another memorable experience. While at West the circle of friends increased greatly. I played cornet in the band and to this day I still love music but I don't play. I love Rock n Roll (50's 60's and early 70's). I was on West's track team and lettered my freshman year. I was the long distance runner. Just never could beat some of the other guys in the sprints. Played baseball during the summer for the Muskogee Times Democrat team.
There are so many stories and not enough space or time here to tell them all. Hopefully we can remember a few of them together at the reunion. Wishing the Class of 69 the BEST!!! God Bless you all!