In this time of our remembering, we would not forget these CHS 1969 classmates. This is, by far, the saddest part of planning a reunion -- learning of, or remembering, the loss of too many who left us too soon.
Duncan Alford
Raymond Armer
Mark Arnwine
Terry Ball
Luke Bluebird
Matt Brown
Roy Cawthon
Lanny Clark
Ira Clemens
Danny Clopton
Ricky Colburn
Debbie Coppock
Gwen Crabtree
Scottie Crain
Margie Day
Kathi Goff
Bill Goodwin
David Groves
Joe Hall
Ted Holliday
Jerry Howard
Steve Hyde
Robbie Jones
Nancy Kennedy
Skip Larson
Linda Lee
Mark McBrayer
Duane McCoy
Peggy Maxwell
Pam Mears
Raymond Metzer
Charles Moore
Michael Moore
Mary Morhart
Charles O'Neal
Garry Page
Eldon Peterson
Candy Phipps
Billy Pitman
Delsie Price
Kenneth Richardson
Ramona Sanders
Robert Stevenson
Theresa Stout
Paula Tyler
Kathy Weaver
Janet Williams
Note to classmates: On the "Classmates" page, we have added pictures and a brief notation for everyone on this list. Unfortunately, we knew some better than others. If you have an idea for a comment on any of these classmates, please email and we'll update the profile comment. We don't want to slight anyone and we want to share the very best memories involving every person on this list. Thanks.